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Updated: Jul 24

Title: Maintenance of Schools, Buses, and Everything Else


Before I begin, after reading this blog update, may I suggest looking at my other updates? Wait, perhaps I should have put this link at the end of this blog, oh well, I'm leaving it.

First off, let me begin by saying that we’re drastically in need of change on the Sullivan County School Board of Education (BOE), especially in District 5 in which I’m a candidate. There are certainly a few good people currently on the school board, but those who are masquerading as independents are not among them. I’m not saying that they’re personally bad people, but the decisions they’ve made as members of the school board are decisions that are leading us down the road of fiscal ruin and are decisions that no rational resident of Sullivan County who must live within their means would ever make. I guess when it’s the taxpayer’s money, it’s as if rational and cognizant thought goes out the window.   


Look at how for years Sullivan North (my alma mater), South, and Central were intentionally not maintained, in favor of building a new high school (West Ridge). Now look at how Sullivan East isn't being properly maintained, which to me borders on criminal. Maintenance intentionally took and is presently taking a back seat for what reasons(s). For what reason isn't East being maintained? The residents of this county deserve answers, and if elected to the BOE, I'll work to find out just why that is.

Think about it, the building of West Ridge was kept well under wraps until the precipice had been crossed. The BOE had $10 million earmarked for maintenance at East, and $3 million each for South and Central that was misappropriated into West Ridge, or according to Evelyn Rafalowski it was absorbed into the building of West Ridge given the BOE members and some of the school administrators (at that time mind you) refused to leave the contractor alone, which caused millions of dollars in needless overages after they kept making needless aesthetic design changes. Now, I will say, that the school does look good, which is a testament to the architects and builders, but not thanks to those who needlessly meddled. Regardless, these actions were certainly wrong, but not illegal.

Mind you, my comments regarding West Ridge aren’t in any way an attack on anyone who attends, or attended, works at, or parents of past and/or present students. Nor is it an attack on those who support the school in various ways as I do with an annual scholarship. It is, however, a comment on the underhanded and secretive nature that kept the public in the dark about the BOE's plans to close schools and build West Ridge.

Now, I should say, that I understand at times schools need to be closed and consolidated, I get it. I also understand that nostalgia isn't a good reason to keep schools that have outlived their need open. Regardless, I think there were better options that could have been taken, but sadly the BOE had ulterior motives, which was one reason they let certain schools fall into disrepair. That aside, keeping the public in the blind without giving them a long lead time for comment is nowhere close to how public business should be conducted.  

However, when it comes to Sullivan East the Patriots who work, teach, and attend school there are subject to dealing with deplorable conditions. Or, in reality, I would say hazardous conditions with roofs leaking into classrooms, that if not dealt with immediately could collapse and hurt, or worse kill many kids and faculty members. I've heard from several reliable sources that the roof is still under warranty, but just barely. Regardless, the BOE needs to at once make this the top priority and get it fixed, instead of playing gotcha games with the Sullivan County Commission.

Those who downplay these facts are doing everyone a major disservice, and that’s putting it nicely. These conditions are also a lawsuit in the making, and at this point, I’m not sure why a class action suit hasn’t been filed. A lawsuit that the taxpayers of this county will have to pay for, which is yet another burden that taxpayers shouldn’t have to shoulder. But when inept individuals are making decisions that make no sense on any level, it’s something that may come to pass sooner rather than later. If it sadly does come to pass that anyone is injured due to this negligent and toxic atmosphere, I feel that those responsible shouldn't be shielded from prosecution, as I said, this situation is likely criminal.

Before I get ahead of myself, I should mention that I'm not an Attorney, but I do have a criminal justice degree and I'm a member of Alpha Phi Sigma which is the National Criminal Justice Honor Society for what it's worth. (Find more about my education here, as well as the organizations I belong to here.)


That said, I’m a fiscal conservative who’s been entrusted with government projects anywhere in the range of a few thousand dollars to multi-million dollar ones, and I would have been sacked from my job if I mishandled the taxpayer’s dollars in the way our school board has in recent years. I’m reminded of the words of a Navy Chief Petty Officer and former White House Communications Agency colleague who told me, “We must be good custodians of the taxpayers’ money, and just because we can spend an extra few thousand dollars, doesn’t mean that we should.” However, there’s a stark difference between being fiscally responsible and being truly irresponsible with people’s lives and livelihoods.

See my take on how the BOE wasted 11 million dollars earmarked to build a pool.

 “What Really Grinds My Gears”


Now let me shift gears (pun intended) just a bit, but I’ll stick with the idea of being fiscally responsible.


If you’ve been to West Ridge in recent months, you’ll notice there are about 15 new school buses that are sitting unused. These buses were purchased with the nonsensical idea that the county BOE would operate their buses. Bear in mind, that new school buses cost around $65,000 to $100,000 and in some cases up to $200K depending on the type purchased and all the options one could get with them. At present, these buses are started and driven around the school on rare occasions, but besides that, they’re sitting unused with no rational plan to ever put them into operation and that’s just for starters.

Remember, the cost of purchasing a new bus is just the beginning. Most school systems around the country keep a bus for “up to 20 years” according to Thomas Built Buses (see link below). On the same website, they outline other costs, costs such as fuel, operations costs such as maintenance (which the BOE has no plan for), other services and repairs, and parts. This is just the basics of owning a bus or in this case buses.


Then you must factor in insurance, the cost of paying drivers, and likely the drivers would need to become BOE employees instead of employees of one of three companies that currently have contracts with the school system. This then brings us to the cost of their labor, such as a base salary, annual pay raises, bonuses for things like safety records, overtime, insurance from medical to life, etc. as well as a pension plan, which would fall under long-term unfunded liabilities and that only gets us to the starting line. I think the best option at this point is for the BOE to drop the idea of operating its buses, which would free local contractors to receive loans to purchase newer buses and conduct their maintenance, maintenance that in this area will cost an average of $125 an hour and that again is just for starters.


With the fleet of buses currently sitting at West Ridge, I think that one option would be to keep a few to use for school sports, bands, or local field trips. But the best option might be to sell them to a local contractor at cost and merely recoup the money already wasted on them.  


Bottom line, when it comes to the Sullivan County School Board District 5 seat, the choice is clear. I hope everyone will get registered, and I hope everyone will certainly vote, and I hope the vote you cast will be for me.


Thank you and God bless!     




Total cost of ownership | Thomas built buses. (2021, September 8). Thomas Built Buses.

Todd A. McKinley, BA, MSL


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Updated: Feb 29

Title: The Devil Doesn’t Swear an Oath, Hippocratic or Otherwise

The Hippocratic Oath was named for Hippocrates of Kos, a.k.a. Hippocrates II.  As well as being known as the “Father of Medicine,” he was also known as “The Great Hippocrates,” according to Aristotle. 

Hippocrates was a Greek Physician of the classical era and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in medical history, he made many lasting contributions to the medical field.

A few of his contributions are as follows:

  • Prognosis

  • Clinical Observation

  • Systematic Categorization of Diseases

  • Humoral Theory

The Hippocratic School of Medicine made medicine a discipline distinct from other fields with which it had traditionally been associated, such as philosophy, essentially establishing medicine as a profession.

Before I get to the reason, I’m writing this, I want you to think of all the things we are still learning regarding the medical profession more than 2,400 years after his death. Without the want and need to educate ourselves, just think of where we’d be right now.

Now, on to the point of why I’m writing this blog update. You’ll note the title of this update, “The Devil Doesn’t Swear an Oath, Hippocratic or Otherwise.”

The Hippocratic Oath is rather long, so I’ll not linger on the whole thing. Instead, I will boil it down to two sentences, that explain how I believe it ties it to any oath taken when one is sworn into public office, especially a school board position.

The two sentences in question appear back to back in separate paragraphs but go together. The first sentence states, “I will do no harm or injustice to them.” The second one states, “Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course.

That said, I was recently approached regarding a situation that has arisen in the news surrounding an after-school Satanic club.  (, and I was asked if I would support something like this, and my response was a resounding NO.

Just Say NO to Evil!

As a member of the Sullivan County School Board, it should go without saying that I will also "do no harm or injustice," to anyone, nor will I allow any poison to be administered to our public schools, which a club glorifying Satan would surely do.

I will not support or remotely ask anyone to sponsor, support, or join a club that celebrates or promotes the worship of Satan, or any other evil deity for that matter. I get that the 1st Amendment to the Constitution may technically or arguably allow for this type of after-school club, but as an elected official, I believe it would be my job to work towards bettering society, and standing strong against that which would only serve to destroy our society. If it were to come to pass that a court ordered something to the contrary, my response would be simple, you have your court order, now try to enforce it. I would hope that no legitimate law enforcement official in Sullivan County would enforce such a thing, but we would have to cross that bridge when we come to it.

That said, I'm not saying I'm going to violate anyone's 1st Amendment rights, as it would also run contrary to the 1st Amendment. However, there's nothing that states that I have to support this type of club, and I certainly wouldn't nor would I ask others to do so either, as I stated.

The role of our schools should be to mold young and impressionable minds positively, not warp and destroy them. So, to me, when the evil busybodies come around to try and inflict their vile and evil agenda onto the youth of our county, I’ll stand as a bulwark, with my feet firmly planted like a responsible person should, not unlike the Pillars of Hercules against such evil.

The term “not on my watch” will mean something!


Todd A. McKinley, BA, MSL


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  • Writer's pictureTodd McKinley

Updated: Mar 6

Title: More than just a swimming pool!

For starters, this is by no means an attack on any of the great people associated with West Ridge. I believe those folks would agree that questions from the public should be answered by their elected representatives. If not, then those representatives are not doing a good job of representing the public, but instead representing their interest(s) and those of a select few. As for myself, I will not represent the interests of a few, but those of ALL voters and residents of the 5th Sullivan County Board of Education District.

Believe me, I’m fully aware of the slings and arrows that are about to come my way once certain people read this blog update. To me, a good representative doesn’t shy away from answering or asking the hard tough questions and they must say to heck with the consequences of what some people might say. Instead, they should drive on and do the right things anyway, which is what I will do once elected, God willing.

The swimming pool, or lack thereof at West Ridge, hasn’t been one of the big questions I’ve received thus far. Regardless, it’s still an important issue to discuss, especially given the astronomical $11 million price tag we’re hearing. This is outrageous, especially considering this was part of the original plan in the first place until somehow it wasn’t. Also, funds were set aside to build one after the fact, until they were somehow reappropriated - or misappropriated in my book.

To quote The Big Lebowski, “Where’s the money?” 

Before delving further into the questions about a swimming pool, I think the public should be asking the following questions.

1.)    Why was the process of building West Ridge initially such a secret?

2.)    Why has the process of closing various schools in recent years been so secretive?

3.)    Why hasn’t there been accountability for all the money that was spent on West Ridge?

4.)    Who secretly profited off West Ridge?

According to many reliable sources, there was under-the-table money and kickbacks. I’m not making allegations directed at any one person, but these are questions and concerns brought up by many in recent years. I get it, some of it might very well be hearsay from those who either were or are still upset, but many of these people are honest and reliable, and it’s because of those good people that I bring all of this up here.

Now, I’m not one to put much stock in hearsay or nonsensical conspiracy theories, but I can say if the public is concerned about certain issues, then as their elected representative I’ll be concerned about those issues as well.

That said, when it comes to an $11 million pool, with the cost-benefit analysis not favoring such an expenditure at present, it’s a non-starter for me at the moment. I say that because many other problems and concerns need to be addressed first well before we spend millions of taxpayer dollars on something that 99.99% of the public isn’t asking for.

I certainly realize the merits of having a pool, not just for a swim team and those who might compete at a West Ridge pool from time to time. There are several public programs to consider. I remember going to the Sullivan North pool in the summer when I was very young. I remember the swimming classes that my late mother enrolled me and my brother in. I remember like it was yesterday- swimming nearly 3/4th of the length of the pool underwater without coming up for a breath and winning a tootsie roll. So I have sentimental reasons for wanting a pool, but sentimentality has no place in fair and rational decisions, especially when it comes to spending the taxpayer’s money.

More About My Campaign

Please put the following link in your favorites at least until August 1st as I’ll certainly be adding more blog updates between now and then.

Todd A. McKinley, BA, MSL


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