Title: Tennessee Boys State Scholarship
It’s obvious that our nation is in decline and our governments are broken. But it’s more complicated than simply blaming one thing or one group of people, which would be disingenuous and that’s not my modus operandi. After all, arguing over who broke what and how, does nothing to fix that which has been broken.
I must add that I believe before I tell someone to roll their sleeves up to do something, that I should be hard at work with my sleeves already up.
With that bit of housekeeping out of the way, allow me to move on.
After putting my life on the line for this nation and nearly being killed dozens of times for the pleasure, I retired from the Army and moved back home and dared to think I could make a difference serving in public office or by serving in nonprofit Veterans Service Organizations, or heck, why not both.
I realize my willingness to make a difference has drawn a lot of criticism and chastising from those who do more harm than good in this world. However, my philosophy stems from people like Hillel the Elder, who if I may paraphrase said, “If not me then who, if not now then when.”
However, I firmly believe that most of us will be forgotten over time, in fact, I also believe that most of us will die two deaths. One will be when our mortal remains are laid to rest, and the second is when our names are spoken for the last time. Regardless, we shouldn’t go through life hoping to be remembered, we should go through life doing positive things that will make us worth being remembered. As 2 Corinthians 5:10, says, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.” I realize I’m not perfect, but I plan to (as best I can) be in good standing when it comes my time to atone.
Albeit my words and deeds will pale in comparison to many, I’m reminded of the Breton fisherman’s prayer, that begins “O God, thy sea is so great and my boat is so small.”
It would be a bit of hubris, arrogance, and ego, (yet I repeat myself) to think that I may be remembered even as a low-level historical side character that most major historical stories mention from time to time. But perhaps someone I help along the way may go on to do something remarkable.
Therefore, in addition to my Todd A. McKinley Scholarship that I’ve given annually for the past few years, I’m going to pay the tuition for one rising Sullivan County Senior to attend The American Legion Department of Tennessee Boys State held annually at Tennessee Tech. That said, my scholarship to Boys State is available to only one Sullivan County resident who's about to be a Senior in high school as long as they meet the eligibility requirements (see link below).
You may request information from me at any time, but I'll not be accepting requests for my scholarship until April 1, 2025 (more to follow later).
Boys State:
Email me for more information: Todd@toddmckinley.com
Todd A. McKinley, BA, MSL